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Carmen Martinez Jover infertility relaxa

Personalised books

RELAXATION!! FREE -listen now in English - Carmen Martínez Jover
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#4tips on Storytelling


I want to have a child, whatever it take

In the past Christmas, without a baby,

was the saddest thing in the world

I had been trying to be a mom for almost 6 years and the doctors could not explain the negative results. I had several negative IVF attempts and lost 2. I had tired everything from massages to detox, whatever I heard could help me get pregnant but nothing worked. I was completely torn apart and I felt so hopeless (I was already considering that I was never going to be a mom), someone told me about Carmen and did not hesitate to contact her, it was the only thing I had not done already. I started my sessions with Carmen, and I realized that I had many UNIDENTIFIED fears, because I did not know they were there, about being a mom, Carmen helped me identify them and eliminate them with a technique called PSYCH-K. My sessions began just before a treatment, Carmen helped me even to regain confidence in my doctors. It was the first time, in which I arrived at the operating theatre ready for my transfer feeling mentally relaxed, safe and peaceful that this treatment was going to be positive. I trusted my body, because there was no hidden fear anymore. Everything was ready inside me (I felt completely different, I do not know how to explain it but that's how it was). Carmen accompanied me before my treatment, during my treatment and during my pregnancy, because yes! ... IT WAS POSITIVE! And not only did I get a positive beta, now I have a 2 months and half baby and I feel like the luckiest woman on this planet! Carmen was a great partner in this process. I will always be grateful for her helping me, even during the fears that were later unleashed during the pregnancy. I infinitely thank you Carmen, I told you then and I will always tell you.💙



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